Universe At War


I think we need a better picture, the consept is good but an ingame screen shot would be better. I am in the Beta for Universe at War, so I will try to provide as much data as possible.

I've added an in-game image to the top, but my computer is not the best, so I think the image could be better. I'll take a few more for the rest of the article as well.

Also, could someone maybe create an info-box for the walker's hardpoints and unit upgrades? The current way, while functional, takes up a lot of article space.(Strat-N8 00:21, 13 March 2009 (UTC))


I have noticed the layoput for all three walkers is different. We need to decide on a layout so all three look the same.

Also I am no longer in the beta since I got a new hard drive so someone needs to get hardpoint prices up

BirdofPrey 18:15, 31 October 2007 (UTC)BirdofPrey

it just got on my nerve that he keeps saying plazma bomb instead of plazma cannon.
